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Recent translation works:​

​Celina Su, "Route 1095" (forthcoming in 2022), from Su's collection 

Hala Alyan, "Spoiler", Argo, 2o2o. Original poem published on The New YorkerSeptember 2020.

Ann Harleman, "Poesie" ("Poems"), Italian Poetry Review. Plurilingual Journal of Creativity and Criticism, Columbia University - Department of Italian and The Italian Academy for Advanced Studies in America, 2020.

Leopoldina Fortunati, The Arcana of Reproduction (L'arcano della riproduzione, Marsilio, 1981), contracted to be published by Verso Books in 2021. Co-translation (in progress) with Arlen Austin.

Laetitia Marshall, "Irresponsible Wokeness, Absent Consciences: Italian Responses to Black Lives Matter" (2020), co-translated with Julia Nelsen.

Douglas L. Ipson, "Dio lo vuole! I Lombardi e le rivoluzioni del 1848" ("Dio lo vuole! I Lombardi and the Revolutions of 1848"), Festival Verdi Journal, Fondazione Teatro Regio di Parma, 2020.

David Kimbell, "I Lombardi alla prima crociata", Festival Verdi Journal, Fondazione Teatro Regio di Parma, 2020.

David Rosen, "Macbeth va a Parigi" ("Macbeth Goes to Paris"), Festival Verdi Journal, Fondazione Teatro Regio di Parma, 2020.

Helen Wickes, "La giacca di Vermeer e altre poesie pittoriche" ("Vermeer's Jacket and Other Painterly Poems), La Macchina Sognante, 2020.

Michael Hersch, "La sceneggiatura delle tempeste: Riflessioni su Fawzi Karim" ("The Script of Storms: Reflections on Fawzi Karim", NP Review), La Macchina Sognante, 2019.


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